Scotland Rugby Quiz: 3

Scotland Rugby Quiz: 3

Virtual pub quizzes have become all the rage since the coronavirus lockdown started, what with video calls being a popular way to stay connected to family and friends.

We’ve pulled together some question inspiration for your next one in the calendar to introduce a Scottish Rugby round and to keep you entertained As One At Home. This has also been shared on our @scotlandteam Instagram Story if you would like to play along there, available to view as a highlight.

Guess the player: 9 Images

  • Expand here to reveal the answers


    1. Blair Kinghorn

    2. Jade Konkel

    3. Max Evans

    4. Chris Paterson

    5. Hannah Smith

    6. Al Kellock

    7, Zander Fagerson

    8. Jonny Gray

    9. Ben Tooilis

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