Your Community Recognition Award Winners

Your Community Recognition Award Winners

The last 12 months of coronavirus restrictions have presented many challenges for the domestic game in Scotland, and yet clubs and schools have achieved so much.

We are celebrating the exceptional contributions individuals and groups from the grassroots game have made to their local communities, charities, clubs and schools during this time with the Community Recognition Awards.

Each of Scottish Rugby’s five regions – Caledonia Midlands, Caledonia North, East, Glasgow North and Glasgow South – have enjoyed an evening of award presentations, hosted via their Regional Facebook Groups. Find out more about the award winners in each region by following the links below.

East Region Winners

Caledonia North Winners

Caledonia Midlands Winners

Glasgow North Winners

Glasgow South Winners

The awards being presented in each region:

Community Champion Award brought to you by SP Energy Networks, which recognises an individual who has made an exceptional contribution to their community.

Charity Fundraiser Award brought to you by Tennent’s will be presented to an individual or group of volunteers who have made a significant impact through fundraising.

Diversity & Inclusion Award brought to you by Scottish Rugby, which credits a person or group working tirelessly to promote equality, diversity and inclusion or challenge prejudice and discrimination.

Inspiration Award brought to you by Tennent’s, recognising individuals and groups who have achieved extraordinary things through their efforts and determination.

Young Person’s Award brought to you by Mitsubishi Motors, crediting the efforts of a young individual or group (aged 16-26 years old) who have made a positive contribution to their club, school or local community, or have inspired others through positive social action.

Lifetime Achievement Award brought to you by Tennent’s, which acknowledges a person or group whose lifetime of dedicated service has provide a significant contribution in support of their club and community.

Join your region’s Facebook group

Find out what’s going on in the clubs and societies in your region through their Facebook group. Request permission to join and engage with club members in your area.


Caledonia North

Caledonia Midlands

Glasgow North

Glasgow South

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